CACA DE ORO Grow With The Gold Glaum's 4-3-2 Organic Fertilizer

CACA makes it grow.

Grow with the gold! Our Organic 4-3-2 Fertilizer is made from 100% chicken manure and sustainably processed into nutrient-rich pellets that are easy to spread. CACA de ORO will rejuvenate your lawn, nurture vibrant flowers, encourage robust vegetables & boost your crop output.

Why Glaum's Organic Caca De Oro 4-3-2?


Made with 100% chicken manure

Nitrogen is the leading source of plant growth and root structure. It is required in large amounts since it plays an important part in the functions that can be limiting to plant production and crop development.

Improves soil health

Phosphorus is a central component that provides energy to the plant and improves overall crop quality throughout the life cycle. It stimulates root development while increasing the strength of the structure to support flowering.


Boosts crop growth

Potassium is the essential nutrient that contributes to proper growth and reproduction of plants by aiding in the growth the affects shape, size, color, and taste of the plant.

Certified Organic

Sustainably produced with the highest quality organic standards.

Locally Produced in
Santa Cruz, Ca

Derived from Glaum Egg Ranch, a trusted family-owned, cage-free and organic egg farm.

Easy application

The pelleted form ensures uniform distribution and optimal coverage for indoor or outdoor use.

Organic & Sustainable

At the heart of our product lies a dedication to sustainable farming practices and a minimal carbon footprint. Glaum Egg Ranch pioneers environmental stewardship by harnessing the power of solar energy. With solar panels providing 100% of the farm’s energy needs, we take pride in utilizing renewable resources to collect, dry, and craft our fertilizer pellets.

What makes CACA de ORO different than other fertilizers?
Made out of 100% chicken manure, CACA de ORO is completely free from fillers and harmful chemicals. Our formula boasts a rich blend of NPK ingredients and essential micronutrients which gradually decompose in the soil, ensuring a steady and enduring nutrient supply throughout the entire growing season.
What are the main advantages of using organic CACA de ORO?
Caca de Oro fertilizer distinguishes itself by its purity. Completely free from fillers and harmful chemicals, our formula boasts a rich blend of NPK ingredients and essential micronutrients. These elements gradually decompose in the soil, ensuring a steady and enduring nutrient supply throughout the entire growing season.
How do I know how many nutrients are applied with CACA de ORO?
With a standard 1 ton /acre dosage you are apply: 85 lbs. of Nitrogen, 60lbs of Phosphates, 40 lbs. of Potassium.

40# bag of CACA de ORO covers 880 square feet at 1/2" application.

7# bag of CACA de ORO covers 154 square feet at 1/2" application.

The nitrogen released gradually during the crop cycle thanks to its organic nitrogen component and sources of ammonia.
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Family owned

CACA de ORO 4-3-2 is an extension of Glaum Egg Ranch, a multi-generational cage-free egg farm based in Santa Cruz, Ca. We are committed to delivering the highest quality product in the most sustainable way.


buy some caca

Pick up your 7lb. or 40lb. bag at the
Glaum Barn Store

3100 Valencia Rd, Aptos

Open Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm & Sat. 8am-2pm

Need a one ton tote bag?
Fill out the form to set up delivery.